Getting Started

Understanding How It All Works

This portal will help you to condense weeks into a matter of hours. For any funnel that you’d like to create, we have the entire journey ready for you! All you have to do is fill out our forms and you’ll receive the entire user journey for that funnel.

From the initial engagement all the way to customer acquisition! All with your dynamic inputs focused on your target customers, product, solution, etc.

For this to work properly, you’re going to pick the project you want to build out, then you’ll simply answer the questions within the Script Builder (i.e. the digital form), which will generate the emails and content (i.e. funnel) for that project.

There’s a few platforms you’re going to need if you want to use the same systems we have in place. This includes…

ClickFunnels: This is the platform we use to build funnels (i.e. landing pages) to turn visitors into leads and ultimately, into customers.

ActiveCampaign: This is the platform we use to send emails from. We build email sequences, called automations, and we connect ClickFunnels to ActiveCampaign so that when a visitor becomes a lead, we have an email ready to send out to the new prospect.

Please proceed to the Trusted Partners section and visit both ClickFunnels & ActiveCampaign to claim your 2-week free trials.


Email us at and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for joining the Smiles International family!